Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Design Your Own Wwe Wrestler

Toxoplasma gondii

I just finished reading a very interesting book Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer and to have high relationship with some mania that has my partner with the parasites.
For her almost any disease is to the pests. And it forces me to take worming. I was sick of it.
However, after you read this book one is left with doubt. "Parasites govern our behavior? "Three billion people worldwide are being manipulated by parasites?
Are we puppets of parasites?
Some parasites have the uncanny ability to manipulate the behavior of guests. The lancet Diarocoelium dendriticum, for example to force his huspedes subject of leaves of grass where the loa mammals can eat grass. Since this parasite can complete its cycle in the gut of cattle or other eating grass. Another is the Euhaplorchis californiensis that causes infections in fish and makes them jump out of the water increasing posivilidad the birds eat it. Parasites are
beautiful baby, but the toxoplasma gondiii is a single-celled parasite lives in the intestines of cats, they are encapsulated as eggs and can reach other animalespor rats or other animals that eat cats. Toxoplasma forms cysts by receiving the intermediary bodies, including the brain. And even the rat infected with Toxoplasma paracer be in perfect health.
But scientists at Oxford have descuebierto the parasite switches to the rat in a very subtle but vital way.
In studies of rats, are put to them in a tight maze in which they have food and water in a corner, another with a different smell, like fresh straw and cotton fibers in other urine odor in another rabbit and cat urine. When you are healthy, and comes to cat urine smell coming in great anxiety and never return to that corner. It is used to test medication for anxiety, because if left to the rats in that area end up falling into panic. That keeps them alive and is a response to the odor.
But when used rats exposed to toxoplasma. The rats did not suffer anything like that. They were indifferent to the smell of cat. It is as if to be eaten. And that was precisely what the parasite wanted to stay alive. Somehow alters your brain chemistry so you will not fear the smell of cat. This manipulation
evouciono by natural selection, the most successful parasites suppress fear the rats will have more Descending.
is known that humans too are huspedes of Toxoplasma infections as humans, not because of how we could infererir to eat rats, if not handling cat litter or soil in their hands. In most people the infection causes no symptoms. Only people roll weakened immune system is that toxoplasma is growing in an uncontrolled manner .. also gets to live in our brains.
is estimated that half the world population is infected with toxoplasma. THREE BILLION PEOPLE.
mentioned in the book does not appear to and does not say. But in humans the parasite manipulates our minds also.
Because we use the same neurotransmitters that cats and rats. But this manipulation of our minds is not good for the parasite. Not a good fit, very few humans are eaten by cats.
Some scientists think that change our personality parasite differently in men and women. Parasitologist Jaroslav Flegrean adminoistro test Psychological infetadas people and uninfected individuals. Found infected in a small tarball, but statistically significant tendency to be more insecure and self-reproach. But paradoxically in women appears to be more affectionate and outgoing. While men were more jealous and suspicases.
In a very controversial work which attracted much atrencion E. Fuller Torrey who found an intriguing relationship between toxoplasma and schizophrenia. The parasite infection was associated with damage to a certain class of neurons (astrocytes). Women with high levels of antibodies were more likely to have children later developed schizophrenia. Torrey found more relationships in your

paper) 2003. which if you have not been fully supported is a smoking gun. And it gives us food for thought. Because even though some people just will subtly change the personality in a minority will cause devastating effects. Torrey
A year later he found another fascinating relationship. Cultured human cells and capsules Pietro infected with toxoplasma. Then I added a variety of drugs that are used in schizophrenia. Many of them, most notably haloperidol bloqueron parasite growth.
Fuller and the Oxford scientists joined forces to take the next logical step Can drugs used to treat schizophrenia help treat infected rats? In this report
> http://www.journals.royalsoc.ac.uk/ (zlzvwhfikhom5i55rvzsil55) / app / home / main.asp? Referrer = default And http://www. imperial.ac.uk/P7349.htm http://www.imperial.ac.uk/P7349.htm displayed the results. they began to give toxopsma to 49 rats. And as expected they lost their fear of cats. Then they began to treat these rats haloperiol and other antipsychotic drugs. They found that rats became more fearful. They found that the antipsychotics were as effective as piramitamina, a drug specific for eliminate Toxoplasma. There are still many questions
How does the parasite to manipulate the minds of the guests? And many say that thanks to
toxoplasma is that diversity has increased cultural among so intriguing to me is that this parasite has been widely studied because half the population it has "But other ways that parasites can manipulate our minds? How many other parasites can do the same? This is critical because it goes to the foundation of our free will and our freedom. When we think we do something Who makes the decision, we or the parasite? Who rules in our mind?

note, this post was one of the first to write in my blog before it was deleted, I wrote 5 years ago in 2005, I found and put back
science, science, parasites, parasites ,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brazilian How Long Before Shave

darkness is a way you can find us at any time.
the human mind is a maze of infinite possibilities of being, a million thoughts that surround us, transform us .. chemistry, chemistry of life makes us one thousand times a million lives, when we are happy, elated, upset, sad ... depression .. ill.
people go. cycle q tells us the life we \u200b\u200bare born perfect at the moment of birth ... and that we're devolving on every breath .. we are dying every second that passes ...
sometimes (no.. Growth .. almost always) I wonder who thinks a person who decides to stop. who decides who gets tired of breathing, which decided to halt the process of dying, to die on their own. because it hurts to let others decide not to continue, because we think that reality is left to die by fate, the consequences of human actions, by age ...
those who stayed (cowardly or courageous, that duality HACA me sooo much noise) suffer. We are sad to think how painful to continue walking without them, desiring they do not suffer the way of death that is conscious, We do not want to be on our own walking .... because we think ourselves better because we do not decide?
shit, I do not cry because I want you here with me skinny, I cry because I would have preferred to see that you were going if I had let just listen ... I do not think of suicide as a revenge .. just a fucking choice, which we will never settle for a million reasons, because we need to love to walk among us .. and love is selfish sometimes. yeah .. but if we understood the true love we love would no longer decide, without question, let them go with the belief that they will not ... YOU choose to be alone .. IN IT.
my skinny .. you remain in me, do not tell you I'll miss q because this and never again be so. and my tears are human .. and my pain as well. but my joy in you is greater .. q is greater trust me.
because although you criticize, in the end you're like want to be .... and that is what matters most. difficult to understand, but to me, is what matters.

"Is There gonna be a revival tonite? Oh
I want to see a revival yeah
Gonna Be A revival tonite
Lord let there be a revival yeah
Forgive What I Have done
It Means my soul's survival oohh
I need you so, it's not
put an end to my Suffering
oh Why am I so blind with my eyes wide open?
ooh Trying to get my hands clean water entre
Want to see revival tonite
Lord let there be a revival yeah
I need to see a revival tonite oh
Wanna see a revival oh
Why am I so blind with my eyes wide open? yeah
Now I need someone
Let this dark night be done oh
I need you so, it's sin
put an end my suffering
Wanna see a revival tonite
Lord there needs to be a revival... "

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Especificaciones Spacewalker Mv42v1.3


Come up to meet you,

tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I Had to find you Tell you I need you

Tell you I've set you apart ...

think I've loved twice, if the love you can post it, of course.

both times I left bruised, his chest split in two, and bearings ..... but the first I hurt more because it was an asshole and because as they say "I went all" .. but did not learn much, ah? I must say .... that the second I left the same or worse with a child in my arms ....

would be very painful to tell the story of life who has lived my heart, since I discovered attraction to men, then when I started to like them, when nobody saw me and could not love me like all night hugging my bear dreaming to do so ....

but step. maybe that's why I cling to him with everything I had .... in a metaphorical act I start the heart and gave it .... fuck it hurt when I realized that this would not work ...

"Say Its nobody was easy .." I hate this song. I hate it because it was the last song you listen to ... after 5 years have seen us, being together for 7 ..... last one year but joining us in reality no more than 3 weeks ....

(que onda girl?

in 3 months as you engage with someone? Someone who does not see is just phone, mail and now?

bone as is done .. So I think if q is not much impetud one, sometimes that bothers me about me, because I feel that real things can not operate at that speed ... but as someone you can imagine, times are of one and one of the manages a pint of their own ... that's a lie! not handle a batting swear that you are in control .... but when you meet people, or "person" is when you realize that very few parameters that we handle ourselves .....)

...... 3 months in love and almost two years to assume that "it "....

because dreaming while listening to this song, resting on his chest sitiendo falsely that no time had passed for us ..... he could return to my ..... because he was the first thing I saw ...

and I still wonder what the fuck did you see ...

he does not know, but he is everything I want it to be a man for me ... and not just for me but for any woman ... this is why women are missing and not known about singleness of your hand for more than 6 months .... sometimes what sounds like a reflection of some part of their emotional content .. but it is not. I know it's because her amorous spirit dazzled him make the most varied range of women .... do not blame him.

maybe I blame my ah?

because at times I stopped and let her be so intoxicating, I charms ... because some men (ha! if some that are not the most, sorry) have the magic to make yourself and your world a place where no one ever managed to break into ... and no one will make you feel like you were really the only thing more important ...

guide!. There are men who do that very easily ... others find it difficult but I get .. and third they never do, and they will, mental and emotional capacity did not reach this level of evolution, it would come to be so as the laggards of love. these cakes are the first thing one sees q, attractiveness, but are like a meringue, infladito out, but stick your finger?

are just air ...

Well, I can tell man q q gave me this song, is one of those first ... I'm sure those q if it drew up a survey and obtain the opinion of all women .. more likely it is that almost all have a nice memory of him, and more than one thinks it'd be nice to be back with the ...

like me, one of these ....

under this competition, it is difficult to think that could have something back?

but goes ..... this is like an emotional oasis .... is it really the love of my life?

well I think will always be my first love ... and first love has everything to live for the first time .. and feel and hurt with all the intensity that implies ....

but one thing is to love him all my life, so that means in my life, and quite another to love him all my life with the hope of returning q feel his lips and the pain of batting and all those things The revived in me every time we propose that so be it .... hoping that this lifetime.

perhaps the thread that separates the former from the latter will never be very clear ....

until love me again that way ..... but you and I know girl, that possibility is almost buried .....

more does not bother me ah? say q is better to love and not be loved, you never know what it means to love.

and I learned that this is the way ......

simply being. the rest are conventions.

oh yeah ....

and while again I feel, a longing to another, to imagine loving another ... how good it feels. q at the end there is only love, without expecting to get .. I hope not I belong in the same sense, do not expect q I would like to act like I do not expect anything, just let me love you as a friend as a partner as a person you can connect with my ideas, who gives me a helping hand in whatever ....
because everything is getting something? when you understand that you love, you give and that energy will all conspire ... with humility, but above all convinced that that's the way ... just ... loving. your father your mother your kids the dog to the ground, the air to rain, everything q lives and everything that dead ever porq vivo and tube estubo the grace to come and make something very miniscule Kiza but enough to bring out a smile on someone's joy or a tear of sadness and pain that I provide an education ....

jo meek!

Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Take Off Shoe Polish Off Car Windows

human owners of the prohibition on drugs

Because consciousness is what
With wonderful things to overcome. And the peyote
tells us where he is.
Antonin Artaud, Mexico and travel to the country of tahumaras

about three years ago talking about drugs ( I and II) and article I talked about the consumption of psychotropic drugs in other brutish
I have the strong impression that drugs have played a role in becoming what us. All cultures have their own drugs, and when I say all, are all, so we should say something about the consumption of psychotropic drugs by humans.
In every culture that has allowed only this is. In the article that appears at first to relate some of my trips to the Amazon and other places where native cultures still live in their environment, in those places you walk just 10 steps and you get a fungus or a plant that produces hallucinations (including insects), in all those places that I never saw an Indian drug addict, but I saw many Indian alcoholics. For them, these drugs are taboo, taboo means that it is forbidden because it is sacred, and therefore used only the ceremonial character. A practicing Catholic, does not get to breakfast to Ostia, or eat them in the cinema, while watching a movie, just that they have.
Alcohol, on the other hand is not imbued with this belief and therefore can be abused in the
datura-asociada-al-culto-de-shiva this discussion may seem Byzantine, but recently both in Argentina and Mexico was passed that people are not criminalized for wearing their particular dose. This led to Alvaro Uribe (another Chávez more) lash the concept at the summit of UNASUR, since he claims that favors the drug traffic.
When that promotes drug trafficking is precisely the ban.
In those days came just a product, extremely lucid in the journal The Economists, reviewing
blog found a translation of that article , everyone should read to demystify the "fight against drugs," something that is fraught with hypocrisy and dubious economic interests.
In the year 1991 in the forum American drug, Milton Friedman said, "If you look at the war on drugs from a purely economic point of view, the role of government is to protect the drug cartel. This is reality, literally." Given that statement as sharp harass the journalists questions, one of them performed the relevant question
- what they do well? "
Friedmasn To which replied" Very well. What I mean by this? In a free market is normal thousands of importers and exporters. Anyone can enter the business. But it is very difficult for a small business can engage in the business of importing drugs, because our efforts are essentially prevent enormously expensive. So the only people who can survive in this business is people such as the Medellin cartel, who have enough money to have fleets of airplanes, sophisticated methods and the like. Besides, by not allowing those producers and arrest, for example, local marijuana growers, the Government maintains high price of these products. What else would a monopolist? Has a government that makes it very difficult for all competitors and maintain high the price of their products. It's like being in heaven. "To illustrate the situation, Friedman said that" now the same thing happens under prohibition of alcohol. "And he went on the analogy with the prohibition of alcohol in the U.S. in the decade of 20, which gave rise to Al Capone "some say that when he disappeared the ban, the consumption has increased enormously and that would be interrupted ...". Friedman and says "that's just not true. Things did not go well. Figures are statistical publications on the amount of alcohol consumed. These figures rise sharply immediately after the time of the ban, but consumer concern 'illegal' alcohol. If we, as I have, tables alcohol consumption before and after the time of the ban, the consumer becomes more or less where he was and during the period if it has moved back has been declining, not in absolute terms but in relation to population growth and relative income. "

papaver-somniferum was very clear in that the Nobel Prize, Pablo Escobar is the result of the ban . Under this scheme Uribe is protecting drug cartels, and the vast majority prefer to stay silent, say nothing, because it is not politically correct to talk about legalization.
Hypocrisy is better view. Freud used cocaine and after it published a paper on its dangers, and it was also clear, were not the drug itself, the harmful, but its use uncontrollable addiction in itself is bad, and that has to do with the personality of each person.
According to most drugs do not bring anything good, however I have a hypothesis proposed by them is that we have, art, even in recent times Zuni Indians south of USA went to a cliff to paint their visions he had during hallucinations, these paintings are remarkable coincidence with those in different parts of the world, 35,000 years ago and petroglyphs everywhere. This coincidence can not happen by, and also that there is something wrong in the fossil record, which quite possibly they told her hallucinations and thus the birth of the mythologies and subsequent narratives.
Many people think that consumers are fleeing from reality, when most cases the opposite is true. The same ecstasy was used for many years as a therapeutic tool for the psychoanalysts, with great success, so what has happened to the streets. You see the other side of reality What is the difference between going to the cinema and watch a movie or watch it on tv and a delusion, "what happens is that most people have the imagination blocked, the education system itself is designed to destroy any vestige of imagination and that's why people need the dreams of others rather than create their own dreams, I think it was Sabato who said that the role of the artist is the poet, the dreamer by the community. I'd say that is because of the limitations imposed on us by the mainstream culture.
But that's not the point, the point is that our ancestors were drug users, and so are we, you do not smoke, drink or inhale something, also the eye or ear or skin can be used as methods to consume addictive drugs, can be sex, danger, TV, Internet, pornography, games any other way that causes addiction. And so are consumers of drugs, legal or illegal is another matter, because the law gives the specific culture of a country, in the case of illegal drugs in our culture that lends to businesses where many people benefit, including banks and nobody wants to stop this business, let alone legalize them, because that would end the business. If Al Caponne had become president of USA, the alcohol would certainly prohibited.

The most serious is the way it has created a moral against drug use, and many people do not stop at analyzing the causes of it, take it as an article of faith, in the north Mexico, the Huichol one of the people who consume peyote, bring their children, 12 and 13 years into the wilderness to have their first experience with this drug, taken as a symbol initiation to maturity, they are not alone the vast majority of indigenous cultures had some type of drug initiation, one of the most shocking I know was carried out by the Iroquois, which gave teenagers of 12 and 13 years a fungus that produces hallucinations, then got into a hole full of smoke, while above the rest of the adults shouting terrifying cries. Personally, I think in my case go through something like that would have left me bewildered.
But the double standard also works here, "primitive cultures" that's okay, but not for us, the civilized. I guess when they say that no give human character of the aborigines, children of them if they can consume hallucinogenic drugs, but ours did not.

is so much hypocrisy surrounding this issue, that even the legalization of personal doses in several countries, is hypocritical because these doses Where do they get personal?

The Jibaro is your business, the dealer also, and also the banks that launder the money, the infrastructure of violence continues, criminals will continue their aberrations.

the end I agree with Alvaro Uribe, the legalization of personal dose does not solve anything, only the legalization in similar terms given by The Economist newspaper article can do something.

Even the most recalcitrant hallucinogenic drug, hallucinogenic plants usually have at home. For example

In Bryophytes, the commune Polythichum

in angiosperms the list is endless, but here we can put the common white lily (Lilium candidum), the sweet Gladiolus (Acorus quill) and why not? Scottish rose (Rosa spinosisima) sure have many of these plants in their homes "also banned?

ferns, bracken fern, Drypteris
gymnosperm, black pine, Pinus strobus

Not to mention that our parks are filled with trees, shrubs and vines that are hallucinogenic, without our gardens Do I have to ban all these plants? As far as bigotry has to get a fight without a cause

philosophy science

drugs, drug , science

Friday, September 11, 2009

Yellowood Fingerboard

For You I'm "In Treatment"? FUMAFI


am in treatment. yes. q 2 weeks ago I have in my possession the series "In Treatment," HBO has a wea me crazy. spellbound. I feel I found the last of the shoe on the type of series that likes to see, which I feel in tune. think of every situation as possible, to embody the character and simultaneously analyze and understand why. I tell them:
this series is a therapist who has 4 cases and those adds his own sessions as a patient with a therapist. It gets the tasty when you see the characters, the interaction generated by the therapist, as they develop the sessions, it added its own maelstrom of life of the psychologist q q has to deal with the understanding of others, who manage to eat their own understanding of life leaving huge holes in your marriage and your family.
sometimes need to understand the way we are. why we react as we do and we have our "outs" so special. thanks to understand how we operate.
particular I am drawn to understanding the human mind .. the way we are and why we become. kize always be psychological, the thirst for understanding suffer q is large, the point at which everything revolves enterder things, because I worked as the reason for expressing why the blog .... the priceless feeling that it is for me to know that door and have the chance to open ...
for things like that is q I am taking with this series ... Ossvio
and I leave the trailer in case you hook jajjajaja

PS: as I can invite you to see without leaving the download link?
nopo, so not the thing, so here goes q:


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Free Eye Exams Fort Worth Tx

Drugs Drugs II

As a teenager he had no clear idea about what was drugs. Had other interests, my first information about what was a note came from the book "The Wolf esteparario" of Hesse. It was there that I began to care about the issue. Then I read Huxley's book, a Y Brave New World, and as I liked this book look Huxley others, including lundun devils and I got another book that talked about drugs, I do not remember the title. But I did see that drugs were not as bad as painted.
And also my hero, at the time was a drug addict, Sherlock Holmes, which was against the theory that drugs ended with intelligence.
Then enter the university.
I went to study away from home, the island of Margarita. I lucky enough to find and live with four wonderful people. One was a genius out of range, claudio. It was amazing to see his mind working, at a rate not thought possible. We did not have TV, we talked and we read. In that sack someone Castaneda's book "Journey to Ixtlan" and not because we thought we could try marijuana, read everything related to that topic. We became almost an expert on the subject. Before you add the first chupadita. And we take pigeon.
started playing with our minds, we did more on the mystical plane, note that for hesitation. For self-discovery.
And I must say it made me see my own stupidity, so clearly, so stark that I worked so hard to accept (depression in the middle) was just like in the book of Hesse. One change.
I think for the better.
But it made me think a lot about drugs and how they are demonized. Many drugs are not bad in itself, but by the misery that makes those who consume (such as heroin and cocaine) and is due to the dependence it causes.
For me the problem is not drugs is the way they are used. Paty said
As Mexico's indigenous people consume peyote, and the Mayans consumed mushrooms, not as a recreation, if not for spiritual purposes.
marihuna Hashish and are used by Zoroastrianism, of that religion, is that national Our notion of evil and the Christian religion has taken a lot of Zoroastrianism, these drugs are the main element of their beliefs.
Neither they nor the Indians of Peru and Ecuador are drug addicts who use ayahuasca. Since
lost its sacredness. Tabu (taboo means something that is forbidden, because it is sacred) The desecration OF OUR SOCIETY IS TO PRODUCE THE ADDICTION.
As the gunman would the dark tower "We have forgotten the face of our father."
on the dangers of drugs;
England has more than 60 million people. In bathtubs killed 563 people. Died in car crashes about 30000 people. For alcohol consumption killed 22,000 people. 144000 people for cigarettes <>
heroin for a drug more additive died 744. Cocaine 147. by barbiturates 14. Marijuana is consumed by nearly 8 million people in the UK and produced 16 deaths, most of all for driving with a note. Ecstasy caused 33 deaths (mostly due to taking too much water) and GHB or liquid ecstasy 3 people <> bathtubs and staircases of the houses are more dangerous than drugs, but I have not heard anyone ask they are eliminated. Neither cars.
For me, the prohibition of certain drugs has more to do with other reasons, our present civilization can not cope. Alcohol itself is used to numb the conscience and drugs to escape reality, not to delve into that reality.
Drugs are a means to an end.
As a means can be used as a car, to serve or to destroy. The cars are not bad in itself, since they are a means, but for many it becomes an end in itself. The same happens with most drugs, are a means to an end.
having sex with some of them are a spiritual experience, beyond the same sex, and is much better if the person you love, you can achieve a high level of empathy and feeling the other person. But that may be become an end in itself. And being single sex.
It then depends on the person as a person and ask to be achieved THROUGH them.
At least if I go to New York I can go swimming, walking, donkey, car, bike or airplane. By all these means I can get where I want, I can choose which is right for me. Importate
But is having a goal. If you do not have a goal, the means becomes the end.
And that is the problem of so many people who do not have a goal and drugs go from being a means to become an end in itself.
Maybe in time I will tell the importance of drugs in the creation of our civilization. Without drugs, may not even be here.


drugs, drug , science

Mexicansa Famosas Follando


These days reading a blog Peruvian , I found that describes an experience with hallucinogenic mushrooms. This excellently narrated that experience.
I have friends who have used mushrooms and tell me what is best because it produces mild hallucinations, nothing to do with acid (LSD). Although the author at the end says it will not do again.
I think that's a skill wrong based on the precepts of this civilization, rather than their inner desire.
When I went to Amazon, once was with us an ethnobotanist, the group prepared for ayahuasca, a vine that tends to produce a mystical hallucinations. This time I lost the opportunity to try, but the friend discovered on this trip several hallucinogenic mushrooms and at least two floors with active substances that produce hallucinations.
I refused to eat that kind of drugs, not for moral reasons or because of pressure from society, if not because do not trust my mind. She
I have to keep short leash, sometimes gets things done, medium rare. That is, my mind does not give me much confidence. I suffer from migraines
extremely strong. But after the headaches, they are in a state that I call, state of nirvana.
The colors are brighter, I have an amazing inner peace. And everyone is good. Sometimes I long to have a migraine to be in that state so amazing.
And if that happens I hallucinogenic drug-free I can trust a mind that does that? For that reason (migraines) took no alcohol.
The only time I almost was forced to consume it was in a village in the mountains of Tapirapeco south country's border with Brazil. Where we were yopo.
For me it was a horrible experience: put an Indian in front of you, and with a very long blowgun, shooting the powder with full force to the nose, I felt that I came to the back of the brain at once.
The case was not very pleasant, as long as I remember I had hallucinations with my own vomit. Vomit until unconscious.
Those who were with me told me that ayahuasca is much better.
And people say that botanists do not have fun. Etnobothanical
Although apparently are the most fun. At least while doing fieldwork.
Because when it comes to the laboratory and goes back into the routine, and that is 90% of the time, identify phenols, alkaloids and other substances is total boredom.
While in the forests I noticed something very strange. The Indians are surrounded by plants and mushrooms, do not have to buy them, can be picked up anywhere. And I saw none that he was a drug addict, but many indigenous alcoholic. These
adding hallucinogenic drugs do not produce physiological, but in our society can produce psychological addiction. Most of all because the environment in which we live.
But if I used marijuana and hashish. That seems more benign than alcohol. People with a note, not usually be aggressive and get to talk nonsense, not given to arrogance.
And sex with a note, is awesome.
But continuing with this better tomorrow.

(This post was originally published on my blog opuscrisis, about three years ago, but since the blog was hacked those files were lost, so I restart here)

drug , drugs, science

Friday, August 28, 2009

Women Bottomless Galleries

Fumufi: Fundacion Mujeres Felices


women: no one says
privigenio q is a woman without listening to another saying that is a punishment. We are all women and that what we have in common. then we are a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions, a myriad of sensations and we all have reason to believe we can do the things we want and be happy ... or at least happier than others who do not listen to his heart, and because we seek the reason that brought us the experience of being a woman .... ..
idealizing women happy, because life is the fantasy that becomes reality ... in your head. we seek to feel part of, regardless of how we have chosen to live.

PD: 2 pipes beer, intreatment (A crazy series of HBO) and a friend at a distance q me impetus to the idea of \u200b\u200bthis foundation. My sincere thanks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is Temazepam Like Valium

that damn virus evolution

This year marks 150 years since the publication of Darwin's book in which he explains the evolution of species and 200 years after his birth.

In 1858, Wallace made the first presentation on the theory of evolution based on selection and co-author of Darwin, and that despite having more than 20 years working on his book had not published anything about that item, it had to come a young presumptuous to give him his book chola.

Despite being the most logical theory and one of the best supported of all science, even 150 years later, people reject the quote wrong, misinterpreted or misapplied. That can not be due to its complexity as their rationale is simplicity itself.

1 .- agencies vary and these variations are inherited, in part by his offspring.

2 .- organisms produce more offspring than can survive (including humans)

3 .- On average, offspring that vary with more intensity in the way it is favored by the environment will survive and propagate their genes more such variations, that would lead to an accumulation of favorable mutations in the population by natural selection ..

That is the logical foundation of the theory of evolution What is the problem? What is it that after 150 years, thousands of checks to philosophers are against it? About 2 years ago I had a discussion in the group of skeptical of several philosophers who were against the theory of evolution in fact rejected it outright, on an intellectual level that was a shock to me, because I could not imagine intelligent people reject evolution theory so vehemently. But this discussion draw some conclusions which it misunderstood the theory, and above all is what bothers most people who do not want to accept, in those days was also in another discussion virtual and Dr. Plantinga in relation to a book Dawkins, he had basically the same problem, the discussion took place on its website but now it is not.

What bothers them and ordinary people is that evolution has no meaning, nor is it committed to do better organisms (if not better adapted to a specific environment), but above all the basics of evolution are random and necessity, and in the 40 Jacques Monod wrote a book with the same title, critics tore it apart, and they could not accept the role of mere chance and necessity, I read that book when buddy and me "take off scales from the eyes. "

That's what makes most people (and many biology students) find it hard to accept. We are so used to fatalism, the fate of the Newtonian world view, we can not accept chance as the driving force of the universe.

hard for us to accept that we are not here to do some design, we are here to reproduce and survive to reproductive age in the best position to get sexual partners. That seems to be very difficult to understand. Not only in biology, but it was Darwin who first take out the chance as the main actor in nature, Plank also had this problem, not accept the statistical interpretation of thermodynamics Ludwig Boltzmann And why not accept his theory viewed from the standpoint of random, and because they did not accept, committed an error in their equations, and discovered the quantum theory (in which reality is just something random) one of the founders of quantum theory, Einstein also did not agree with the random aspects of that theory (though it was he who introduced the statistical theory), it was that things happen by chance. If these great minds were not comfortable with the chance What can weigh common minds?.

That is an issue since it appeared the theory of evolution has angered most people, but life can not be based on mere chance, something needs to remove that element is indeterministic and the environment, environmental change and this is related to point 1 the logic of evolution, which is why all living things tend to have more offspring than they can live. That I can understand everyone, but just appointing the man, things change, since it implies that most children have to die.

And this was the norm until the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, such as Jose Antonio Paez had 7 siblings, was the only survivor, and that is just one example of the living conditions at that time.

If the world exhibits order and harmony is only an incidental result of the pursuit of living organisms to their selfish ends, this is the theory of Adam Smith in nature.

also saying this is against the theory of Marx. In the early 30's some Soviet bureaucrats realized that contradiction and an ambitious scientist took advantage of it, Lysenko, as it was clear that Darwin's theory was against the socialist system, they opted for the theory Lamark, and that led to thousands or millions to hardship and suffering infinity in the frigid steppes of Russia and that the commitment is to grow wheat, apples, rye in the middle of tundra, to refute the theory of Darwin, on the other more in line with communism.

thing I've noticed is that the students are comfortable with evolution, until the beginning applied to man, it's like for the rest of living beings is good, us is wrong. At least both Darwin and Wallace based their conclusions on the theories of Malthus , in fact theories of Malthus are met for all living beings and therefore to us, the only way which has not reached apocalyptic landscape is provided by the energy expenditure in the production of food, now we are reaching the limits on the investment of energy in food production, the only viable option that we are the crops and animals after genetic (despite that these will reach the limit of investment of energy, any further investment would be a waste)

The seriousness of this is that since most people are ignorant of developments in fear of such developments, and think they are harmful, and those same people then complain that there are more than a billion hungry people worldwide.

not quite understand to most humans. Since

lack even the largest group, the religious fundamentalists. For them it is almost a duty to attack the theory of evolution, his latest attempt has been painting religious dogmatism with the veneer of science and created a monstrosity called "Intelligent Design" based on the Discovery Institute, which publishes up supposedly scientific work to support that vision.

As yet, the theory of evolution has not answered all questions, no scientific theory has done that, and therefore still has some inconsistencies, and it is good to take them, allowing the curious to continue, but as you can not explain everything (yet) so take it as a failure of the theory, and therefore the explanation must be God.

Naturally, if the explanation for everything is God would not be necessary or chemistry or physics, as any phenomenon has an explanation to god do not require any further investigation, even if that were true we would live in prehistory and there is no need to investigate the nature.

But it is impressive that people with a certain educational background, do not understand. Many people even make art not considered important, but the same theory of evolution can explain why make art.

is the theory that explains our behavior in relation to the world in which we live. Since

something essential in evolution is that nothing evolves in a vacuum, species coevolve, with other species, this principle is often called the hypothesis of the Queen of Hearts (based on the book by Alicia in Wonderland) as a part of that book says the Queen of Hearts, "" It takes all the running you CAN do, to keep in the Same Place. "This in terms of evolution is that" For an evolving system, continuous improvement is necessary for only adjustment to maintain systems that are coevolving. This principle is widely used in epidemiological investigation and control of crop pests. And that principle also applies to humans.

I make a series of articles on these subjects that are fascinating to me, hoping that more people are also addicted to evolution. But most of all to try to somehow alleviate the ignorance on such an essential, but above all to know us better.

evolution, evolution ,

Friday, July 31, 2009

Ontario Lost Immunization Record

close a circle, others always open ...

think it was time. to write about it. not because I do not think that cost with that under my world, but always and believed that the manifestations of the problems or feelings they provoke you, to bring them out they have to be more distant, and at that distance a can be objective and find the solution, and, in this particular case, the endpoint that opens my heart to finally heal the wound which for years was accompanied .... weapons because when a life plan, I always hurt the look back and see that never are concrete, the simple frustration of not being able to simply ....
good, for some time now and I feel I no longer look back with pain ... Moreover, I look forward to a new open door, an incredible way to appreciate the opportunities, knowing that the affections, as well as light, mass, temperature ... like so many things are energy, endlessly mutating with every breath while we live ... sorry q me out a free backpack rancor, asshole-but nevertheless, necessarily had to carry. Have not had all these feelings in me would not have known and I think it would have taken me to this point where I say very humbly I am happy to be able to look in the mirror and feel proud that my soul is great, I'm a good person at heart, not because the rest tell me, because my actions is the result of my words and a few months ago I found what I'm done. And there is a narcissistic act, because I'm not well, how to explain ... all my life and I felt very bad about myself, my self esteem was always so low, always belittling ... and now only accept what I am, because I spent many years not being able to see the beauty in my there, always able to appreciate the infinite beauty of others, but my only the dark and lifeless ... I had to get off the ground, knees pearls, to mourn lying in the mud ... for understand many things, get my strength and getting full of light ... and thank you. for letting me love you like I did, then break my heart into pieces ... give me the most beautiful of my creations, which is why my breath and I to make you happy .. my son. I thank you for being despicably unjust, for giving me the chance to feel angry, that anger calving from its belly, which thinks only of destruction ... then see the eyes of my son and see that there are things that one escaped, duties that are ours and crosses that are personal. that my effort is a value that is invested in everything I do and I for him, that if I am alone in this just makes me more power to others, and I should not feel angry about that because Mothers are like that. Eternal delivery. Thank you for everything.
few months ago I shook hands, I forgive, I opened the door for q know I'll always be, not because they love you, love has a thousand ways .. A few months ago we closed the circle .. Today we are not 3, because in my family love and fall is enormous yours and mine ... ours, ours is the engine that q can sit with you, with the woman you have chosen and laugh together, in this life that never ceases to amaze me that, especially me, gives me pleasure and honor to find so in the hardest experiences, the reason to keep breathing, and be grateful for that understanding, that wisdom is not stingy with me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Night of Rain ..

I was smoking a fag ... looking through the darkness outside, drops of water falling to the noise that if you manage to remain silent ... is overwhelming sometimes ... was to be remembered as the rain ... feel safe fall on your face, beating and the cold is taking hold q as the water begins to penetrate you ... There is some freedom in feel overwhelmed, or the cold .. or water on you?
remember walking in the rain ... no worries as the cold, without thinking about a possible head cold .. just walking, thinking, talking .. feel. can not remember if I was single, I started walking alone .. q and I met someone that day .. q rain looked like me ...
sometimes, I think .. q cliché in that says life is those little moments where things do not matter much routine that usually consume you daily .. sometimes only to recall how they feel things first, marvel at it and enjoy it ... should be a more routine experience in all of us .. (or rather, more on me)
maybe ... be in the rain is a bit of that .. something that melts in the sense of the primitive .. of the most basic feelings that remind us that we are alive .... because throughout the rest of life that follows this second .. forgetting we had ..
today, watch and hear the overwhelming sound that calls me out .. I called the water to come out to play with it .. q I feel I became an adult, I have the courage to face it out ...

settle for remembering me ... today is the day I .- "safe when there is no q calculatedly think tomorrow, I'll take a break and I'll go to get wet" jjajjajja up to be a little asshole and live complicates me little ... Kiza
should not only remember and cherish for once, because if some day when most away this right now and a possible hearing with me so I regret not to take him, the urge to hear .. feel the rain .. like today ...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Removing Popcorn Butter

Nobody wants to viruses, most of all it is not clear if they are alive or not. My first reaction when I saw (in pictures) at t4 virus is that it was an animal. Has some sort of ducklings, which are folded to that through a tube of proteins injected into the host DNA. So to have some movement. The capsule (head) has a strange diamond-shaped, very geometrical that associate with life, and in fact these viruses can be crystallized, which does not associate with life.
The Tree of Life project are three related domains, the Archaea, which are like bacteria, many of which are found in places where the devil himself would find hard to live, the eubacteria, or common bacteria and eukaryotes, which are the rest . And there in a faraway place, a mark which says only VIRUS (www.tolweb.org). as if it had nothing to do with the rest of the other living beings.

But viruses are a major part of the biomass of the oceans, that's a significant amount, think, more than all the fish, and algae, increiblemete something big, but almost study. If we are not affected, better not think about the virus and its rare and much less in its enormous diversity, much like the rest of the other three domains.
Patrick Forterre, began studying the E. coli and how she used the gut enzymes to replicate, without introducing DNA in them, that naturally led him to study the virus and also was amazed with the T4 is this live? Where did it come from?.
The orthodox theory of the origin of viruses is that they were fragments of DNA or RNA that escaped, for some reason in the genomes of other living beings. This, taken with variations was accepted by all y. or so everyone believed, and so the question mark in the page tree of life project on the word virus.
the late 80's and early 90 techniques in the study of the genome were not accurate enough to begin studies on these creatures. Carl Woese with these techniques showed that some bacteria, and bacteria were not created another domain the of Archean , deeper studies in which I participate Forterre realized using enzymes unique to the replication of DNA, different from bacteria and eukaryotes. Others began to look bacteriophage T4 enzyme that copies DNA differently (I will not go into technicalities, but believe me it is so).
That was not consistent with the theory that genetic material was missed, after all the viruses have no metabolism, if such genes should have escaped the same enzymes replicating their guests. Do not invent something new.
But replicating enzymes of T4 have no connection with the infecting bacteria. Something was
terribly wrong.
more similar examples were found, of enzymes that had no counterpart in the cells. That led to Patrick Forterre for explosive lecture in 1985 which suggested that viruses were part of another domain, before the other three and so were old, very old, and perhaps were the first life on earth.
That has now been established that genes encoding proteins in the shells of the virus, also found in the other three domains, this

suggests that an ancestor of virus infected the members of the other three domains, and it gets more and more new evidence that they are the remnant of another domain, now extinct.
was proposed that DNA replication had developed twice, once in protovirus and again in the rest of living things, such are the differences, things were becoming more confused and more crazy assumptions were taken seriously.
And even to this day the picture is unclear, there are many hypotheses.
But let's give it another turn of the screw.
There is considerable consensus that DNA-based organization from others that were based on RNA, the RNA could not only carry encoded information, if not also serve as an enzyme.
This could be the dominant form of life makes some 3700 million years. These agencies could absorb nutrient medium and also to evolve, whether those agencies could create their own proteins into the virus early.
Even now, there are many viruses that reproduce by HIV RNA chains and the flu are examples.
But DNA is more stable than RNA and less prone to mutate. That is an issue that many theorists have found, but DNA reproduction in the body provides long term benefits, not short-term advantages.
And that's the way evolution works, seeking benefits for the individual, not their progeny.

Forterre offered an alternative to this dilemma.
For DNA viruses could provide a huge immediate advantage, could offer protection against attacks of RNA viruses.
The current cells have a wide range of attacks against viruses based on RNA, can silence, with RNA molecules themselves (as with HIV) or can cut it into smaller pieces.
RNA viruses try to avoid it and therefore alter their genes to thwart the host.
Thus, using this mechanism, the first virus could alter the structure of an effective, twisted chains to form a double helix. (After all only differ in one nucleotide) and thus better able to thwart the attackers and thus found a way to survive within a host for generations as the cells to reproduce too would make them.
are domesticated, they lost some some genes they used to escape and to make layers of protein and become naked DNA.
Over time some RNA viruses attached to them and enjoy the benefits that have previously made. Were more stable. Natural selection favored the body had DNA. And the decreased RNA and DNA grew.
That takes fragments of RNA might happen three times, and thus form the domains. This explains the differences and overlap.
could be that the infected protovirus eukaryotes and Archie and why they are so similar mechanisms. Eukaryotes
For example, DNA remain stuck within the core, to protect it. The poxviruses, can form shells similar to the core within their hosts. Yet
cells of eukaryotes are complex and strange, maybe this is just part of the story.
In this way the virus could make up the DNA and all of us are extremely virus exist and only exist for them.
But still little is known about the virus. Only well known to cause disease or bacteria that attack the economic effects. But now studying the virus are living with the Archaea, which have proven to be very different and strange, some of them only when they are completely out of the guest.
is incredible that the virus research tell us more that we are and what the hell do in this world.
The next years will be very interesting in this field.

science virus, virus ,

Comments (4 items)
Author: equinoXio Created: Thursday, March 29, 2007 16:41:00
Hi Luis:
Very interesting this synthesis of the virus. I am one who thinks that they are not living things, however, although this is a decision more or less randomly. However, a cell organnelo such as mitochondria (which also have their own DNA) are not considered organisms, but part of the machinery of an organism. As these organelles as active and essential for life, you might consider a separate organism living in symbiosis within a larger one, then, as the criteria for life are met with far more extensively than in the case of the virus. According
, unmitigated, data on biomass and structural diversity in this huge family of viruses warrants further study and consideration in the theories of the evolution of life, because regardless of whether or not living things, have significantly altered the evolution of species.
Finally, there are interesting applications to achieve some cures to diseases genetic, in which the use of viruses (especially RNA retrovirus) is a must.
A special greeting from Bogota, THILO.

Acrostic Poetry Generator

About viruses and other things in mind

There are times when you stop to think about what we are, I have those moments when I think about two things, in an amoeba and T4 virus both agencies send me a hallucinogenic trip to what we are.
This amoeba is amazing and keep me informed of any studies done on it since it is an individual organism, consisting of a single cell, to make an analogy like me or you, who consider ourselves individuals.
Lives on earth, perhaps from your own garden, when you start to get fed multiply, divide, this is an asexual method, even so good. But when you run out of food, incredible passes, each one of them starts making calls to other chemicals, and begin to gather until they are like a drop of mucus, and suddenly begin to differentiate, some begin to rise , others are down and form a foot, but not only that, they begin to form a kind of cellulose, and others because it is still rising stem, the final form a capsule and others become gametes and sexual reproduction in begins at an inside the capsule, at the end some form mature spores that then when the wind is going to other places cycle begins again.
Move like a single organism, and not an association of thousands of individual cells. They are on the border between multicellular beings, as we and the unicellular, sometimes one and sometimes other
If all are equal which reason why some die so that others continue to live? How do you know which will become gametes and which die?, How to know to make this structure? That makes me think of how we form and also in our minds, in fact, these amoebas are similar to neuronal cells when the brain is forming, the neural cells as these amoebae conportan and crawl along the ridge to tube reach the brain.
This is a slow process but you can see under the microscope, with patience, for me, this is one of the links between unicellular and multicellular us. That makes me think about society, information, mind, and gives me the feeling sometimes that we are doing something else.
They communicate via chemical messages, us with the word. What if we're ...? These are the questions that haunt me in the middle of the night and sometimes will not let me sleep, just thinking about it, I'm told I should give it a mystical name the issue, make a religion and get me a lot of money, at least I have already the philosophical basis of the case, I'm losing my time.
But just think, I crabs, is as ridiculous also become the basis of a deity to an amoeba, if Chavez if he would do as they would not fear the ridicule.
On this amoeba should talk more, it fascinante.Pero this post was about the virus, and so far nothing, is that when I think about it, CALLA ME NOBODY, NOBODY .
Or at least nobody is brave enough to callarme.Pero this helped me to reflect on the virus, and I realized that the average person knows little about them, all I know is that cause disease and are small.
T4 Before I talk about having to explain a little matter, for understand, because it makes me think about the matter. On this page equinox without many technicalities, I recommend reading it and then keep talking about these critters and you can understand better, so tomorrow, they can continue the party, let's say, a philosopher of the virus and better understand what I want say.
science, science ,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How To Make Warrior Beads

chat Palo

that q q perfect balance
(23:58) .:: Chiquitita::. : (dah)

and become a hamburger q zampe I brought my mom
(23:58) .:: Chiquitita::. : today was telling my mom .. nose q and q at any time someone wanted me to stay single q
(23:59) .:: Chiquitita::. : you, after my mother's clau ... and one after another bone in no time I had a moment of feeling alone and slit fua
(23:59) new life ..:
you feel supported :D
(0:00 ) .:: Chiquitita::. : sii a
(0:00) .:: Chiquitita::. : and two that feeling of someone controlling creep q q I do not feel left alone
or q is only doing this
(0:00) .:: Chiquitita::. : and you know I'm grateful
(0:01) .:: Chiquitita::. : I say it humbly ... q q feel someone cares for me, I have a little angel q ... now I think, if I check the life ...
q is the same angel are you? is buy share?
(0:01) new life ..: jajajja
(0:01) .:: Chiquitita::. : or rather, is big enough for everyone
(0:01) new life ..: good to you and your amulet
suitable or if it's me po Ajila
(0:01) new life ..: we are 2 in one
(0:02) .:: Chiquitita::. : jjajjajjaja noo here had one. moved
was comical circumstances, I would not stay put more than 5 min and think about tobacco alone
(0:02) .:: Chiquitita::. : left the churris and friends gave me an attack of the dishes and tobacco
metal and when you stop
(0:03) .:: Chiquitita::. : at 2 min to get my mom
churris 9:30 and left at 9:00
(0:03) .:: Chiquitita::. : bone went to the hospital, did a couple of things, keo with lucas, he went back at nine and went and spent it already told
Cachai q? primarily as a millimeter is cuaticooooo
(0:04) new life ..:
topics about you is not no more
and was for the better
(0:05) .:: Chiquitita::. : if my statement was that I thank q positive forces conspired for me today q
(0:05) .:: Chiquitita::. : spite of others. are zero and cancel all good bone
(0:05) .:: Chiquitita::. : I love when I can see that
(0:06) .:: Chiquitita::. : feel qe gone up a bit to be a better nose ... today feel that by coming to help me friend? q you give me the feeling I needed support q? SABIS
uta q q today showed me we are friends at all
(0:06) .:: Chiquitita::. : and you're q bkn po. q has a different feel and sense my stash like that fullness .. so if you are and the feel is like q
(0:07) .:: Chiquitita::. : you with your atao with nacho and me there with you at the bottom of canyon and you feel me your way ... SABIS yaaaa q ^^
'm going to smoke more
(0:07) new life ..:
jajja k you agueona
this friendship is the true po po
if the other is no more smoking pipes
not friendship
(0:08) new life ..: bad times there are the friends
(0:08) .: : Chiquitita::. : siiss but I think today q
(0:08) new life ..: arrive in good toas
(0:08) .:: Chiquitita::. : close the circle of palpable feeling
(0:08) .:: Chiquitita::. : nose if I explain ...
(0:08) new life ..: as panxo says get friends to have the vagina arrgaita
+ and gray
(0:09) .:: Chiquitita: :. : j0aj0j0a0j0ajj0aj0ja0jaj0j0aj0ja
(0:09) .:: Chiquitita::. : and there looking cagA
of us laugh jajjajjajjja

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Long Dong Silver Archive Vintage


Viewing the series Lost, which has become bizarre, with such changes in time, I realized that even well-known writers of science fiction, playing with time and the idea of \u200b\u200btravel by.
The remember that first started with this idea was HG Wells, which no one can say that science did not know was the Isaac Asimov of his time.
In his book "Time Machine" thinks he can somehow travel through time.
may be possible, maybe not. Depends on what you mean by time.

The notion of time we have in this civilization is that time is linear, going from past to future, as an endless succession of events, which some foster others, a characteristic of this universe is never Dumpy dumty recompose, if an egg is broken, do not we turn to paste and form the original egg. Entropy is what makes us feel the direction of time, as it has to do with the order or disorder of things (atoms, molecules, planets and galaxies), and entropy has only one direction, increasing the disorder.
Our brain is made up of atoms that are subject to such behavior, which is why we feel the time passes. Bauldor
Physicist says time does not pass, but despite this, sorry pass. Kirchhoff, the physicist said "there are moments when time stops and we can see eternity", that feeling is also known by almost everyone. So.
What we call time?
clocks measure time intervals only, not time itself. This situation continued until the advent of Einstein, who was that gave us the first real image of the time, not as something passive, it is there, if not something that is the fabric of the universe.
Einsteinian time image is influenced by gravity, among other things, in fact a distortion of space in 1919 was the confirmation of his theory of time and space.
In fact as we have no words for it, he called spacetime. Since they are indivisible, ie can not exist without the other two are the result .. Then a trip back in time means a shift in space.
According to his theory, which has been widely tested thousands or millions of Sometimes, as the speed approaches that of the light, time passes more slowly. Seen from the outside. As for the person who is moving feels that time passes in the same way, but the rest of the universe would go slower.
But that's not all, gravity curves space and be more serious but curved space. It is as if the source was a giant funnel that goes first compressing space and therefore, the things this in, but not that he pulled, but the space is smaller. Something similar to the grids for the perspective.
So far we only know that time is linked with time. And gravity has to do with it somehow, when speed increases, the mass also increases, and the mass is the source of gravity in some way, only things with mass have gravity, as Einstein's postulates, to approach the speed of light, the mass increases exponentially, and to be near the limit, the mass will tend to infinity.
But if something has an infinite mass, must also have an infinite gravity.
brings me back to the black hole, this time to nearly 99.50% of the speed of light, dragging everything in its path. Even galaxies.
Sometimes I get to ramble on about it and I think the shape of the universe, with its pattern of superclusters of galaxies is formed by some idiot alien experiment to try to reach the speed of light with some material .. Photons are
the speed of light, because they have no mass to a photon time does not pass, go out and reach the target at the moment, perhaps the photon in question was issued 13 billion years ago in a sun of the early universe and only now we see it, but for the photon, time nothing happened, went and came, and he was the same. Naturally, if something goes
higher speed of light, like the mythical tachyons, must have an imaginary mass, ie it is the square root of minus one. And if it is delivered now see the past.
Let's assume we have a telescope tachyon, if it could exist, could point to point in space where the earth was made two years, or 20 million years, is the same and then we could see it was in that moment, when those photons were emitted.
would be something akin to watching a star, any star we see, not see it as it is now, as was seen in the past. Alpha Centauri A we see it as it was 4 years ago. The same sun that shines on us we do not see how it is now, but as it was for 8 minutes, the sun may break now, and only in 8 minutes we would see it explode.
The problem is that there is no past, there is before an event, and after the event. Somehow
ancient Hindus came to the conclusion that time is made up of small pieces, which in the jargon we could say that they are modern "time atoms", in fact to make the calculations have to assume the time is quantified, ie how many times that there can not be continued, and indeed it is not, if we take pieces smaller time ever comes a time when the notion of time itself loses meaning, is called "planck time" because it is a consequence of his formula of quanta is more or less a one followed by some 43 other leading zeros is something ridiculously small. But then what is there between these ranges, or those quanta of time?
That sounds interesting thing is that it is pointless to ask that question. For the same formula we know what minimum amount of space possible. If we take an inch and started to divide into two equal pieces and these two, there comes a point where the very notion of space, it loses its meaning.
is something at least, ridiculously small, but it is a distance.
know then that the time and space are limited, are not infinitely small.
So how can something have an infinite mass? like that should exist in the singularity that forms the black hole?
In fact, in the event horizon, this is the outer boundary of a black hole, time would feel to spend eternity without time That is why the entropy would stop working, would always be the same.
But something is terribly wrong, if there is a limit to the space and time, things will never be infinitely small, as there is a physical limit to size. Therefore
a singularity must have a size, but in calculations the singularity itself, not size, in fact by definition, to be a singularity should not have size.
To ignore something so obvious, physicists thought that the singularity is a "breaking of space-time." But how can something that is not in our universe can cause serious so big?
of forces which has the smallest force is gravity, the electroweak force, is billions more than gravity, one of the ways you explain this, is that gravity has a greater force, but it is something that comes from another spatial dimension (not metaphysical, or spiritual) and "express" in four dimensions takes the value that we know, this is that the singularity reveals another dimension space, where gravity has its true value. And
gravity bends time as well.
Usually when a physical problem appears infinity is that something is very wrong.
Take the example of the electron, an electron has an electric charge, and we know that the electromagnetic force works to the inverse of the square, to get the calculations assume that electrons have no size, but what about electric charge? assuming that an electron has size and the load is distributed evenly across its surface, to compress it more and more, reached the point where it would tear the electron electromagnetic force. But that's not all, of the principle of Hinsenber know that energy (and therefore matter) can come out of nowhere, but needs to be returned at a time, and time is lower, the greater the energy absorbed provided. That
electromagnetic force in an area as small as photons create an electron energy, the field would be the lowest energy. But as we go deeper, increase energy and reach a point where it is infinite, if the electron is a point particle. And as we know that energy can be converted into matter, then the electron should have an infinite mass.
Which is obviously false, what is done is to replace the infinite value which is measured in the laboratory.
All this makes us think about the infinite, and how things work, physical and mathematical idealizations. Then

before speaking about the time we need to agree on the infinite.
science , science , time, time,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Can I Use A Thin Client In My Home Network


Traveler night Sailor of the cosmos

of your body

Treasure Finder Where life begins Like a thirsty

Look for the oasis in the desert

There, where honey as a hobby
soul escapes me

In seeking to touch your senses
aroma of your body becomes

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rockman Exe Stream Sub

is your magic

my balance disorders I do not understand, I do not want to understand

The story was always so grateful

prefer to march
Facing the challenge of your goodbye

Thursday, March 19, 2009

French Gangsta Nicknames

thank the Cat? Stand By

and that the q pa'm a fiasco?
stick to the cat, hit the target, singing, bingo ... metaphors of the same. have the smarts, acetic insight to what you are looking for and do ...
for that, I'm no good.
last few weeks and I felt so bad q pa matching the things I hope ... hopes to put themselves in actions of others, act on my feelings or "gut" that now if if !!...... q it gives me a positive result is definitely not my fitness ... I think sometimes
sledgehammer trying to fool me find out .. but what else I can do? my mind is a machine idea after idea ... I never tire of finding answers, I think at the point where I feel satisfied ... q but not enough for me just that ... in my actions fall and again in the mud ... daub me, I struggle with my demons, I surrender to the karmic circumstances ... find my light and get up ...
but I'm tired of the same prayer over and over again ...
took for many years as the banner of "for something with things" and me and that I am more convinced of that wine to breathe and poop into this world, not only for .. bitch wea pa q no cacho any yet, but whatever it would cost me more than the rest ..
and again I will not duck the cat ... q I assume is my fault, auto sell a position not to lose out was not a good idea ... Q I have Kiza
back to the ancient technique of throwing myself with everything to die ... total is eaten and danced ...
but I want to dance more than one piece ... and snugly to not feel the cold of another night ... trying to give the stick to fucking bad calved Maraco feline CAEE me so bad !!!!!!!!!