And what is your name? Cito .
pa 'talk.
pa 'I talk bueeeena. Webe poh me my people. I am shooting, not ever keep quiet and well ... I think that basically it ... the truth? and never thought that I have guauu qualities so as to stand out from the rest .. not so abysmal thus asshole ever when I roll out pass so important in life ... This is not my grace ... but what we do know is that I would not be willing to create a "grace" in order to be recognized ... because digamoh openly. Contal there are people who stand out from the form that is creating a strikingly unusual things do pa ... as in the Guinness records poh. there are atrocities like mine with the longest fingernails in the hands ... and there is another with the feet logoh !!!!!!!! I say to the Dona of the long nails of the hands, and wipes his ass the fuck?
as shit making the service?
will make it back often salutes?
I imagine her standing as Edward Scissorhands, Aonda metis that awful!
and when it is cold .. noooo noo no gloves, odd.
And so, in an act of reporting the curious lao q I have, look for other stupid things (because, well, I will not be a Sabiondo as I do, but let's say you excel in more things podis nose po, normal ... things that are a favor and do not limit you po, because I think it makes no sense that there be a "quality" or "skill" that makes a lesser position with respect to the rest)
and found the following records:
This is a record that combines the flexibility l (must be reached by foot to the head) and masochism. The American hit 57 JB Destiny kicked in the face in a minute. This was in Tucson, Arizona. ----> Definitely not this crazy I do not admire.
was the Australian Rick Canzler. Unfastened 42 bras in 60 seconds. In addition it was with one hand. The feat was in the studios of Guinness World Records in Sydney. Many would settle to unzip or not alone. -> Yaa yeah, this is a skill and as you said here, most effectively with one, be satisfied ...
An individual with record keeping as many straws in the mouth. Marco Hort, a Swiss, 258 straws stuck between his teeth and held for 10 seconds. He did so in the City Belp, Berne. J0aj0j0aj0ja0j0ja0j0aj0ja0ja0j ----> NEXT!
While thinking about what to record a beat to get into the Guinness book, Ashrita Furman did more than eighty times. The city of New York is the best person in the world in various disciplines, including balancing milk bottles, jump forward Rhodes, b Spears
glasses and pushing an orange with his nose. Imagine how much fun it should be the home of Ashrita meetings ---> j0aj0jaj0aj0ja 0j Noooooo this wn is the acaboze. perdia worthy moments of life, might be thinking q excel? chuata .... noo po. the grace is that you discover it so pa 'and the practice .. but not go buscannndola
jajjajjaja so good and must be thousands of records of the strangest things ... and so segir being for ever and ever .... interesting that the position of seeking out and take credit for doing something better than anyone ... that self-centeredness that focuses on record ... the known "best" ... and good to us with more corn pie large or larger pie does not do bad jejjejjeje
I think I prefer chatty retain the title (not a record, but is a gift no doubt)