Friday, July 31, 2009

Ontario Lost Immunization Record

close a circle, others always open ...

think it was time. to write about it. not because I do not think that cost with that under my world, but always and believed that the manifestations of the problems or feelings they provoke you, to bring them out they have to be more distant, and at that distance a can be objective and find the solution, and, in this particular case, the endpoint that opens my heart to finally heal the wound which for years was accompanied .... weapons because when a life plan, I always hurt the look back and see that never are concrete, the simple frustration of not being able to simply ....
good, for some time now and I feel I no longer look back with pain ... Moreover, I look forward to a new open door, an incredible way to appreciate the opportunities, knowing that the affections, as well as light, mass, temperature ... like so many things are energy, endlessly mutating with every breath while we live ... sorry q me out a free backpack rancor, asshole-but nevertheless, necessarily had to carry. Have not had all these feelings in me would not have known and I think it would have taken me to this point where I say very humbly I am happy to be able to look in the mirror and feel proud that my soul is great, I'm a good person at heart, not because the rest tell me, because my actions is the result of my words and a few months ago I found what I'm done. And there is a narcissistic act, because I'm not well, how to explain ... all my life and I felt very bad about myself, my self esteem was always so low, always belittling ... and now only accept what I am, because I spent many years not being able to see the beauty in my there, always able to appreciate the infinite beauty of others, but my only the dark and lifeless ... I had to get off the ground, knees pearls, to mourn lying in the mud ... for understand many things, get my strength and getting full of light ... and thank you. for letting me love you like I did, then break my heart into pieces ... give me the most beautiful of my creations, which is why my breath and I to make you happy .. my son. I thank you for being despicably unjust, for giving me the chance to feel angry, that anger calving from its belly, which thinks only of destruction ... then see the eyes of my son and see that there are things that one escaped, duties that are ours and crosses that are personal. that my effort is a value that is invested in everything I do and I for him, that if I am alone in this just makes me more power to others, and I should not feel angry about that because Mothers are like that. Eternal delivery. Thank you for everything.
few months ago I shook hands, I forgive, I opened the door for q know I'll always be, not because they love you, love has a thousand ways .. A few months ago we closed the circle .. Today we are not 3, because in my family love and fall is enormous yours and mine ... ours, ours is the engine that q can sit with you, with the woman you have chosen and laugh together, in this life that never ceases to amaze me that, especially me, gives me pleasure and honor to find so in the hardest experiences, the reason to keep breathing, and be grateful for that understanding, that wisdom is not stingy with me.