Friday, August 28, 2009

Women Bottomless Galleries

Fumufi: Fundacion Mujeres Felices


women: no one says
privigenio q is a woman without listening to another saying that is a punishment. We are all women and that what we have in common. then we are a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions, a myriad of sensations and we all have reason to believe we can do the things we want and be happy ... or at least happier than others who do not listen to his heart, and because we seek the reason that brought us the experience of being a woman .... ..
idealizing women happy, because life is the fantasy that becomes reality ... in your head. we seek to feel part of, regardless of how we have chosen to live.

PD: 2 pipes beer, intreatment (A crazy series of HBO) and a friend at a distance q me impetus to the idea of \u200b\u200bthis foundation. My sincere thanks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is Temazepam Like Valium

that damn virus evolution

This year marks 150 years since the publication of Darwin's book in which he explains the evolution of species and 200 years after his birth.

In 1858, Wallace made the first presentation on the theory of evolution based on selection and co-author of Darwin, and that despite having more than 20 years working on his book had not published anything about that item, it had to come a young presumptuous to give him his book chola.

Despite being the most logical theory and one of the best supported of all science, even 150 years later, people reject the quote wrong, misinterpreted or misapplied. That can not be due to its complexity as their rationale is simplicity itself.

1 .- agencies vary and these variations are inherited, in part by his offspring.

2 .- organisms produce more offspring than can survive (including humans)

3 .- On average, offspring that vary with more intensity in the way it is favored by the environment will survive and propagate their genes more such variations, that would lead to an accumulation of favorable mutations in the population by natural selection ..

That is the logical foundation of the theory of evolution What is the problem? What is it that after 150 years, thousands of checks to philosophers are against it? About 2 years ago I had a discussion in the group of skeptical of several philosophers who were against the theory of evolution in fact rejected it outright, on an intellectual level that was a shock to me, because I could not imagine intelligent people reject evolution theory so vehemently. But this discussion draw some conclusions which it misunderstood the theory, and above all is what bothers most people who do not want to accept, in those days was also in another discussion virtual and Dr. Plantinga in relation to a book Dawkins, he had basically the same problem, the discussion took place on its website but now it is not.

What bothers them and ordinary people is that evolution has no meaning, nor is it committed to do better organisms (if not better adapted to a specific environment), but above all the basics of evolution are random and necessity, and in the 40 Jacques Monod wrote a book with the same title, critics tore it apart, and they could not accept the role of mere chance and necessity, I read that book when buddy and me "take off scales from the eyes. "

That's what makes most people (and many biology students) find it hard to accept. We are so used to fatalism, the fate of the Newtonian world view, we can not accept chance as the driving force of the universe.

hard for us to accept that we are not here to do some design, we are here to reproduce and survive to reproductive age in the best position to get sexual partners. That seems to be very difficult to understand. Not only in biology, but it was Darwin who first take out the chance as the main actor in nature, Plank also had this problem, not accept the statistical interpretation of thermodynamics Ludwig Boltzmann And why not accept his theory viewed from the standpoint of random, and because they did not accept, committed an error in their equations, and discovered the quantum theory (in which reality is just something random) one of the founders of quantum theory, Einstein also did not agree with the random aspects of that theory (though it was he who introduced the statistical theory), it was that things happen by chance. If these great minds were not comfortable with the chance What can weigh common minds?.

That is an issue since it appeared the theory of evolution has angered most people, but life can not be based on mere chance, something needs to remove that element is indeterministic and the environment, environmental change and this is related to point 1 the logic of evolution, which is why all living things tend to have more offspring than they can live. That I can understand everyone, but just appointing the man, things change, since it implies that most children have to die.

And this was the norm until the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, such as Jose Antonio Paez had 7 siblings, was the only survivor, and that is just one example of the living conditions at that time.

If the world exhibits order and harmony is only an incidental result of the pursuit of living organisms to their selfish ends, this is the theory of Adam Smith in nature.

also saying this is against the theory of Marx. In the early 30's some Soviet bureaucrats realized that contradiction and an ambitious scientist took advantage of it, Lysenko, as it was clear that Darwin's theory was against the socialist system, they opted for the theory Lamark, and that led to thousands or millions to hardship and suffering infinity in the frigid steppes of Russia and that the commitment is to grow wheat, apples, rye in the middle of tundra, to refute the theory of Darwin, on the other more in line with communism.

thing I've noticed is that the students are comfortable with evolution, until the beginning applied to man, it's like for the rest of living beings is good, us is wrong. At least both Darwin and Wallace based their conclusions on the theories of Malthus , in fact theories of Malthus are met for all living beings and therefore to us, the only way which has not reached apocalyptic landscape is provided by the energy expenditure in the production of food, now we are reaching the limits on the investment of energy in food production, the only viable option that we are the crops and animals after genetic (despite that these will reach the limit of investment of energy, any further investment would be a waste)

The seriousness of this is that since most people are ignorant of developments in fear of such developments, and think they are harmful, and those same people then complain that there are more than a billion hungry people worldwide.

not quite understand to most humans. Since

lack even the largest group, the religious fundamentalists. For them it is almost a duty to attack the theory of evolution, his latest attempt has been painting religious dogmatism with the veneer of science and created a monstrosity called "Intelligent Design" based on the Discovery Institute, which publishes up supposedly scientific work to support that vision.

As yet, the theory of evolution has not answered all questions, no scientific theory has done that, and therefore still has some inconsistencies, and it is good to take them, allowing the curious to continue, but as you can not explain everything (yet) so take it as a failure of the theory, and therefore the explanation must be God.

Naturally, if the explanation for everything is God would not be necessary or chemistry or physics, as any phenomenon has an explanation to god do not require any further investigation, even if that were true we would live in prehistory and there is no need to investigate the nature.

But it is impressive that people with a certain educational background, do not understand. Many people even make art not considered important, but the same theory of evolution can explain why make art.

is the theory that explains our behavior in relation to the world in which we live. Since

something essential in evolution is that nothing evolves in a vacuum, species coevolve, with other species, this principle is often called the hypothesis of the Queen of Hearts (based on the book by Alicia in Wonderland) as a part of that book says the Queen of Hearts, "" It takes all the running you CAN do, to keep in the Same Place. "This in terms of evolution is that" For an evolving system, continuous improvement is necessary for only adjustment to maintain systems that are coevolving. This principle is widely used in epidemiological investigation and control of crop pests. And that principle also applies to humans.

I make a series of articles on these subjects that are fascinating to me, hoping that more people are also addicted to evolution. But most of all to try to somehow alleviate the ignorance on such an essential, but above all to know us better.

evolution, evolution ,