Because consciousness is what
With wonderful things to overcome. And the peyote
tells us where he is.
Antonin Artaud, Mexico and travel to the country of tahumaras .
about three years ago talking about drugs ( I and II) and article I talked about the consumption of psychotropic drugs in other brutish
I have the strong impression that drugs have played a role in becoming what us. All cultures have their own drugs, and when I say all, are all, so we should say something about the consumption of psychotropic drugs by humans.
In every culture that has allowed only this is. In the article that appears at first to relate some of my trips to the Amazon and other places where native cultures still live in their environment, in those places you walk just 10 steps and you get a fungus or a plant that produces hallucinations (including insects), in all those places that I never saw an Indian drug addict, but I saw many Indian alcoholics. For them, these drugs are taboo, taboo means that it is forbidden because it is sacred, and therefore used only the ceremonial character. A practicing Catholic, does not get to breakfast to Ostia, or eat them in the cinema, while watching a movie, just that they have.
Alcohol, on the other hand is not imbued with this belief and therefore can be abused in the .
When that promotes drug trafficking is precisely the ban.
In those days came just a product, extremely lucid in the journal The Economists, reviewing blog found a translation of that article , everyone should read to demystify the "fight against drugs," something that is fraught with hypocrisy and dubious economic interests.
In the year 1991 in the forum American drug, Milton Friedman said, "If you look at the war on drugs from a purely economic point of view, the role of government is to protect the drug cartel. This is reality, literally." Given that statement as sharp harass the journalists questions, one of them performed the relevant question
- what they do well? "
Friedmasn To which replied" Very well. What I mean by this? In a free market is normal thousands of importers and exporters. Anyone can enter the business. But it is very difficult for a small business can engage in the business of importing drugs, because our efforts are essentially prevent enormously expensive. So the only people who can survive in this business is people such as the Medellin cartel, who have enough money to have fleets of airplanes, sophisticated methods and the like. Besides, by not allowing those producers and arrest, for example, local marijuana growers, the Government maintains high price of these products. What else would a monopolist? Has a government that makes it very difficult for all competitors and maintain high the price of their products. It's like being in heaven. "To illustrate the situation, Friedman said that" now the same thing happens under prohibition of alcohol. "And he went on the analogy with the prohibition of alcohol in the U.S. in the decade of 20, which gave rise to Al Capone "some say that when he disappeared the ban, the consumption has increased enormously and that would be interrupted ...". Friedman and says "that's just not true. Things did not go well. Figures are statistical publications on the amount of alcohol consumed. These figures rise sharply immediately after the time of the ban, but consumer concern 'illegal' alcohol. If we, as I have, tables alcohol consumption before and after the time of the ban, the consumer becomes more or less where he was and during the period if it has moved back has been declining, not in absolute terms but in relation to population growth and relative income. "
Hypocrisy is better view. Freud used cocaine and after it published a paper on its dangers, and it was also clear, were not the drug itself, the harmful, but its use uncontrollable addiction in itself is bad, and that has to do with the personality of each person.
According to most drugs do not bring anything good, however I have a hypothesis proposed by them is that we have, art, even in recent times Zuni Indians south of USA went to a cliff to paint their visions he had during hallucinations, these paintings are remarkable coincidence with those in different parts of the world, 35,000 years ago and petroglyphs everywhere. This coincidence can not happen by, and also that there is something wrong in the fossil record, which quite possibly they told her hallucinations and thus the birth of the mythologies and subsequent narratives.
Many people think that consumers are fleeing from reality, when most cases the opposite is true. The same ecstasy was used for many years as a therapeutic tool for the psychoanalysts, with great success, so what has happened to the streets. You see the other side of reality What is the difference between going to the cinema and watch a movie or watch it on tv and a delusion, "what happens is that most people have the imagination blocked, the education system itself is designed to destroy any vestige of imagination and that's why people need the dreams of others rather than create their own dreams, I think it was Sabato who said that the role of the artist is the poet, the dreamer by the community. I'd say that is because of the limitations imposed on us by the mainstream culture.
But that's not the point, the point is that our ancestors were drug users, and so are we, you do not smoke, drink or inhale something, also the eye or ear or skin can be used as methods to consume addictive drugs, can be sex, danger, TV, Internet, pornography, games any other way that causes addiction. And so are consumers of drugs, legal or illegal is another matter, because the law gives the specific culture of a country, in the case of illegal drugs in our culture that lends to businesses where many people benefit, including banks and nobody wants to stop this business, let alone legalize them, because that would end the business. If Al Caponne had become president of USA, the alcohol would certainly prohibited.
The most serious is the way it has created a moral against drug use, and many people do not stop at analyzing the causes of it, take it as an article of faith, in the north Mexico, the Huichol one of the people who consume peyote, bring their children, 12 and 13 years into the wilderness to have their first experience with this drug, taken as a symbol initiation to maturity, they are not alone the vast majority of indigenous cultures had some type of drug initiation, one of the most shocking I know was carried out by the Iroquois, which gave teenagers of 12 and 13 years a fungus that produces hallucinations, then got into a hole full of smoke, while above the rest of the adults shouting terrifying cries. Personally, I think in my case go through something like that would have left me bewildered.
But the double standard also works here, "primitive cultures" that's okay, but not for us, the civilized. I guess when they say that no give human character of the aborigines, children of them if they can consume hallucinogenic drugs, but ours did not.
is so much hypocrisy surrounding this issue, that even the legalization of personal doses in several countries, is hypocritical because these doses Where do they get personal?
The Jibaro is your business, the dealer also, and also the banks that launder the money, the infrastructure of violence continues, criminals will continue their aberrations.
the end I agree with Alvaro Uribe, the legalization of personal dose does not solve anything, only the legalization in similar terms given by The Economist newspaper article can do something.
Even the most recalcitrant hallucinogenic drug, hallucinogenic plants usually have at home. For example
In Bryophytes, the commune Polythichum
in angiosperms the list is endless, but here we can put the common white lily (Lilium candidum), the sweet Gladiolus (Acorus quill) and why not? Scottish rose (Rosa spinosisima) sure have many of these plants in their homes "also banned?
ferns, bracken fern, Drypteris
gymnosperm, black pine, Pinus strobus
Not to mention that our parks are filled with trees, shrubs and vines that are hallucinogenic, without our gardens Do I have to ban all these plants? As far as bigotry has to get a fight without a cause
philosophy science
drugs, drug , science