and bueh. returned to tremble. bone, not that has stopped at any minute of it, because the truth is that I lost count of how many earthquakes, temblorcitos or temblorazos, replicas, as the wea is q moves the ground (and today, after their wenas weeks outage wine included. my only parameter to differentiate a replica inignificante of something bigger and this time was fulfilled ) and is marketed as an animal Altira on guard, alert, totally absorbed by the earth movement, and the instinct of survival arises with our best times, when we were more primitive than today ...
and just turn the light (blackout lasted more than yesterday, we are evolving Perrine!) But when I left to smoke the butt after evacuating the home and see my neighbors on the street and thought " guaaaa all again? " He thought about the tiny we are. not a thought that I come once a year or every super tremor or for special occasions like an earthquake .. I think about it often. But nature rarely gives us, yeahhhh gives us the opportunity to be the protagonist of that, passing thought to reality, to experience it in its entirety.
and have circulated in the days after countless explanations, religious, terrorist, Pachamama and clear, the scientific one gets back to coconut so theory ... but eventually something is concrete. are tiny, miniscule suuuuuper. as we move the floor and go to the ridge. like when someone gets you to "move the floor" I had no good moved so the floor as mother earth so I think now I love jajjajjja
and today as well as I think of how small, insignificant we are compared to how big the land and a small (or large movement) needs remind us of our place in YOUR space ... humility should not surfaced?
today with my mom and we realized that even ants do not appear. they are also affected. and they are going. so my data for this week is that when you see an ant ... give thanks. because it means that everything returned to normal. Meanwhile, I'm sleeping with the new basic need in my bedside table: the flashlight. semi dressed (well I always sleep pa seen so there is not much change in that ejjee) and alert. alert.