Not all mutations are disadvantageous, and not all are set
advantageous . As I will use the HapMap, which consists of a list of more than 3 million genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) drawn from the population of Northern Europe, West Africa and East and so on.
When making long chains of DNA from many people consider the frequency of many polymorphisms.
But in this study also studied the SNPs linked to other, so the possibility of selecting alleles increases the frequency of the population.
This gave the impression that a long-range association of SNPs is an imbalance. And you can see that the recombination of DNA are very rare around the SNPs and in particular when one or two SNP alleles are about non-recombinant chromosomes, but other alleles seem to recombine normally. This track is a strong indication that it is selected.
The analysis was based on Yoruba over 3000, 2800 and 2300 European Asian and based on the average percentage of crossing over can tell how quickly they are broken down by recombination and can give an estimated age of the mutations. In Chart 3 shows that the ages represent the time the time from initial mutation established for each allele.
Each point represents the number of different genes and the Y axis is the number. And as you can see there are many of the selected genes that began appearing some 10,000 years ago and less about for 40.000 and these were fewer than 80.000 years ago.
The most interesting is that these curves are well suited for population growth.
The differences between Africans and Europeans are clearly noted. That is because in Africa there is much more diverse than Europe and the populations are older, so the genes are selected in Europe after those in Africa ..
This is because during the Neolithic Africa had a greater population than asia and europe ..
To test the acceleration in the evolution, the researchers took the null hypothesis. This is that there have been no changes.
And that meant that there was a high rate of selection and proved that this was not true and reject the null hypothesis of adaptation and pony, then show that human evolution has accelerated.
If the hypothesis is true should there be a whole lot more selected mutations that reached or are close to reaching the fixing before we see a relatively small number still varies in human populations. And that's exactly what they did and you can see in chart 2.
In the bottom of this chart there is the age distribution of the variants. That would represent a small fraction of the total.
But you can see from the graph that if the rate was constant, the total number had to be very large, and that they were looking for 10 generations of the sites and has 150 of the predicted substitutions in 10 generations or so ½ a year. And therefore
40.000 years ago almost all should be close to fixation in the genome .. This large number
term generally have very small because they tend to polymorphism with alleles tend to a close and eliminate variation. And therefore
diversity across the genome should be a tenth of what is actually observed. And therefore the null hypothesis is disproved.
To know what has been accelerating fast in recent years and if in fact is accelerating compared to those of the ancestors, who come from 12 million years ago, and as we know it will occur at a rate of ½ year should be an amazing number of variations, between us and chimpanzees. But there are only a 40.000 on the amino acid substitutions. Y is therefore 100 times faster than normal in most of human evolution.
This was due mainly to the huge increase in population in recent years.
Many of the selected genes are in defense of pathogens, others are related to metabolism, or even directly with the diet. The example of lactase is a good example in this category.
These mutations usually not noticed in the phenotype of the fossils. And the only way is extract DNA from the bones to see if the new alleles found in them.
In the early months of the year came in a paper by Burger PNAS a sample analysis of the skeletons of the Neolithic in Europe, and in each case there was no allele for lactase into adulthood. Not a
now exists in Europe, 90% of the frequency of this allele.
What happened there?.
For this allele in particular have good times and appeared between 6000 and 10000 years, this difference is that the principle was rarely transmitted, but as the population grew and persisted dietary change, that allele became the majority in Europe. Not so in Asia and many parts of Africa ..
One of the most interesting things is that in northern Europe nearly all have, as I said a ratio of 90% but this often decreases when it goes south, in Italy, Spain, and Greece is 60% .
And this accords with the diet they have in those countries, and how the culture of breeding cows was stronger in the north (where there were fewer sources of food in the winter) than in the south where there was greater variety in the winter.
This research is just beginning. And there are many points that still need to investigate. At least the blue eyes. 12000 years ago nobody had blue eyes, as the OCA2 gene had not appeared and now those with blue eyes are 5% more likely to reproduce the black eyes, although this type of eye are brown control yourself. Venezuela
science, science , evolution, evolution Down
a good graph of the NYT, I can not put but is very explanatory. Also this link is a good reference for this study.
Venezuela science, Science , evolution, evolution
Venezuela science, Science , evolution, evolution
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