Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Profit For Tattoo Shops

saying goodbye "?

This blog was created when I realized that in my blog post opuscrisis.blogspot.com was escrinedo many science. And also of national policy. This gave an image to blog a bit strange, because the people on my blog to read about science, suddenly found a post on national politics.
That was the reason why I opened this blog.
post I'm writing about science in EquinoXio.org page, and they want the post to be original, so if the public here, I can not send to Equinox.
The solution I find is to leave this blog to stand by, and publish my post on science in Equinox. As well I have to keep my other blog about politics nacioal basically, that every day it gets worse, say the situation of my country.
The idea is to publish a post about science each week, will leave on Tuesday of the week, this week published an above the clouds of antimatter in the center of the galaxy, segguire ment next week with the continuation on aging equinox.
had not followed because it was not clear the situation with equinox. But now that is clear, I have to choose.
This way if you want follow the post on science, fence to equinox in the column of "science and conscience."
See you there.
and thank you very much to continue.
personal , Venezuela , personal

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Itchiness After Waxing

have to age? Mind market

I think it was at 8 or 9 years to take the decision to study biology, the motivation was that old age seemed an aberration, and it was necessary to eliminate . I had some vague ideas on how.
As time went by I changed my mind, I eventually forget that purpose and devoted myself to the little plants, I found most interesting.
But now that I approach I go back to old worry, and I almost regret that I did nothing to prevent it. Despite being far from my field of study, never stop reporting on progress in this field.
might almost say without doubt that has already been made for the effects of aging. But I think in the case is reached these findings reach the public.
That would be worse than a nuclear attack on every country in the world.
And the trend I see among the rich and the poor would increase, not between rich and poor countries if rich and poor, sometimes I think that we have no sub-species, we are committed to creating one (a subspecies is what race is commonly called).
Aging if you can stop, but not much progress can be made, unless too many people have the opportunity to live in old age.
And that is why we have embarked on the greatest experiment in humans since we showed up, because this time we do it by choice, which will have unpredictable results.


A classic experiment on aging, is that of Drosophila, is dfacil them do such experiments because they have a short lifetime, the strains used in laboratories are very homogeneous and specially bred so that any researcher can reproduce the experiment with similar conditions. In these homogeneous strains the life is very well defined with a margin of error of just two weeks. That in itself is an incredible achievement.
But the interesting thing about this experiment is that each time was allowed to play the older, the generation that grew up, older age was the predecessor of the way, you get double the life span of life of Drosophila, is as if a man lived 140 years.
That experiment has been repeated ad nauseam, always with similar results, then they have been replicated with other species, including various kinds of mammals, and the result was the same. My mom took me then what had happened 30 years my younger siblings were older age.
This phenomenon occurs because the genes are activated at different speeds, many times by environmental factors. If a person has a child at an older age, that means that genes for premature aging is not activated and that quality is transmitted to their offspring.
For example there are some diseases that are expressed when the person has a certain age. Among her some kind of leukemia that occur before age 20 or schizophrenia often given before the age of 25. But there are hundreds of diseases associated with aging. At least if the person had at age 35 will be less likely to suffer from these diseases. But there is also the risk of natural or artificial radiation, X rays 8As) may affect the chromosomes or individual genes.
seems then that the window more likely to live more, is very close.
But that's what we're doing when we took my mom was a rare case, now the vast majority of women tend to wait until the last 30 years to have their first child. We are repeating the same pattern as with Drosophila.
In USA one of the first countries where women began to work in and out of time to get pregnant for work, there are currently 60,000 people aged 100 years, and nearly 60% of them have good activity at the level of a person 70. And all the graphics state that the amount is doubled every 10 years, is an almost linear graph.

The average age in 1500 was about 35 years. Even in the poorest countries have average age that Haiti is one and the other is in the 40 years is Bolivia. But also in these countries women have children at younger ages temparanas.
In our own country, it is not surprising that women in the poorest neighborhoods have children before age 18, it is normal to be that way. But also, as anyone can see the women in the neighborhoods deteriorate faster, that is caused by the unhealthy environment, frequent illness, and pollution, which activates many genes that accelerate the deterioration. On average, a 40 year old woman in a neighborhood of the country is treated as a woman of 55 years of aging middle class.
Again, I am speaking of averages, as in Europe in the 1500 Leonardo died nearly 70 years he lived newton (with all its evil) to 80 years.
Everyone knows that there is a disease in which the undersides accelerates to a point at which children die 10 years old. More surprising is a disease that so far only known case in China, in which a woman of 94 years began to rejuvenate itself, it came a new teeth, and her hair began to turn black, wrinkles are smoothed.
All this gives us the clue that aging has a strong genetic influence. The genes of the progeny have been identified, otherwise the Chinese authorities have denied any investigation from the West.
A very strange case is that of the salmon, it can live up to 30 years and older, at any given time, they go crazy and go to the rivers where they were born and with much effort the back, also is a serious physiological stress , ay moving from salt water to fresh water, when you arrive at the headwaters of the rivers, are reproduced in a frenzies, llo then begin to age and die in days of old. Turtles are
otherwise known turtle with more than 100 years that are capable of breeding, in case they know the reason why no ams age and aging well in them is rather an extreme case ams, although they have more than 150 years. But I'm attacking
many fronts simultaneously. So tomorrow or I will continue and I will delve into the concepts that I outlined here

science, science, philosophy , philosophy, science
, evolution, evolution ,

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Melatonin Dosage Lucid Dream

I just read an excellent book, I do not know if it is in English, but worth reading, is the famous colunnista of Scientific American magazine Michael Shermer The Mind of the Market . How
evolved from hunter gatherers to a consumer of merchandise?
what reasons people are so emotional and irrational when it comes to money?
The author believes that the psychology of evolution can give us those answers through what he called evolutionary economics.
In fact the author calls the field of neuroeconomics study bases its studies of the brain scanner to reveal the secrets of negotiating and finalizing a purchase and establishment of business confidence. Because companies in the negotiations break down often emotional and what reasons the money does not make us happy.
This is also based on complexity theory.
The author shows how the evolution and economics are two examples of something larger and more mysterious that lies behind these epiphenomena, where one plus one equals three.
Throughout the book, Shermer provides provocative answers to questions such as "our tribal roots will always be a mark of fools' Will the joy of sex is biochemically similar to the joy of the fruits of business? How can nations increase trust within its borders? And finally
Shermer delves into the mechanisms of globalization and its consequences for the nations to allow free trade.
The book is extremely entertaining and surprising when you consider the morality of the market in a chapter entitled the economy of virtue. Where
says that markets are selfish and altruistic, cooperative and competitive, Belisce and peaceful and that it causes a equiibrio of good over evil.
That for every random act of violence there are 10,000 non-random acts of kindness that no one notices.
Markets are moral and the modern economy is based on our virtuous nature. According to the business model of Enron is the exception and the Google motto "Do not Be Evil" is the rule.
According to the market's mind will change the way we think about the economics of everyday life .. Finally a book
must for any economist or biologist who wants to find what exists beyond appearance.
economists believe that this book would be essential, but also for those who do business or have managerial positions. Worse
most important thing is that makes us think creatively, to give another version of the everyday and facts.
I highly recommend.

science, science ,

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Catchy Skin Cancer Phrases

Reasoning about the reason (Godel) Reasoning about the reason

As I said, when confronted with paradoxes, we seem to encounter the same limits of reason and logic. The Epimenides paradox is a clear demonstration of this, in its simplest form can be expressed as follows, " This sentence is false ." Well
what Godel found is something of that phrase, but in the mathematical aspect. Godel
use mathematical reasoning to explore mathematical reasoning and got inconpletitud theorem.
appeared in an article of his called " About formally unspeakable propositions in Principia Mathematica and similar systems " and goes something like this.
Each class of K w-consistent recursive formulas
correspond recursive class signs so that neither v NIR gene Neg (v Gen r) belong to Flg
(k) (where v is the free variant of r)
think they do not understand, I agree with you, it seems Chinese, and as much as I read it, felt neither cold nor hot, I had to ask my brother to me translate it into English.
And I said that saying something more or less;
Any axiomatic theory formulation of proposals includes untold numbers.
And that if a bomb is said to exist in the theory of numbers, you can not know if they are true or false, and we are talking about natural numbers, ie numbers 1.2, 3, 4, ... .. N +1.
It is the simplest of mathematics What can we expect of other mathematical systems? Utilza
language to talk about language is something easy., while not easy to see how a proposition can numbers speak for herself. For this, the self-referential propositions use the theory of numbers.
Now I have to explain this is long, but especially complicated.
Let's see if I can;
A proposition on the properties of natural numbers, refers to whole numbers, integers are not propositions, nor are their properties. A proposition of the theory of numbers is not talking about a proposition of number theory, is only a proposition in theory of numbers. And this is the problem resolved Godel.
He thought that proposition theory of numbers could talk about a proposition of number theory (even about yourself) on condition simply make the numbers fulfilled the function of the propositions. This is to make a code. The Godel code
is commonly called "Gödel numbering " and makes the numbers performing the duties of symbols and sequences of symbols. (The first was not and I do that)
And making a specialized sequence of symbols, each proposition is that the numbers would have acquired a Godel number, something like a phone number, an IP computer through the which one can refer to it. This action allowed the theory of numbers to be understood at two levels, as propositions of the theory of numbers and as propositions about the propositions of the theory of numbers .
With this scheme of encoding and Godel had to elaborate in detail a way to transport the paradox of Epimenides the formalism of the theory of numbers.
transplanted doing so the paradox of Epimenides did not say "This proposition of the numbers theory is false" if not "this proposition theory of numbers has no demonstration."
But here we come to another problem What mean by proof?.
A demonstration is evidence within fixed systems of propositions. In this case the number theoretical reasoning system referred the word demonstration is that of Principia Mathematica , the gigantic work of Russell and Alfred North Whitehead (published between 1910 and 1913)
Therefore another way of saying what I do Godel serious;
"This statement of theory of numbers has no proof in the system of Principia mathematics "
however, this assertion is not Gödel's theorem Godel, the assertion as the Epimenides paradox, is not observed, "The assertion of Epimenides is a paradox."
With that in mind no matter what we did Gödel. While the assertion of Epimenides creates a paradox, since it is not true or false assertion is unprovable Gödel (in the mathematical principles), but true
It was concluded that the Principia Mathematica is incomplete as there are propositions true of the theory of numbers to show is very weak as the method of P. Math.
If it were all, only the method of mathematical principles and perhaps had suffered with some reforms had made another work that would eliminate that flaw. But the phrase the title of the work is very eloquent " and related systems ..." And because the theorem applies to any axiomatic system.
summarize what Godel proved was that provability is a weaker concept than the truth, regardless of the axiomatic system in question.
But that's not a "theory more" is a theorem. And a theorem is always true, and there can be no doubt, by definition.
That means-and here I extrapolate, that never, even in principle we can get to the truth. And the most serious that we can not in principle understand our own mind, using our minds.
Since it looks like a autoreferendario and you know what happens when that happens. And we said that the demonstrations of truth and falsity have a tremendous gap.
That is the limit of our knowledge, If we join Godel's theorem to the Heisenberg uncertainty, there remains almost nothing of what we know. Maybe in future
talk more about this theorem, there is still much to say, most of all its implications. And yet these implications is oco understood by most philosophers, some philosophers of science have done work on this, but it is not widespread, one of the few, but both misunderstood the implications of Godel's theorem as principle Heisenberg was Lacan, and since anyone attempted a serious approach to this revolution of thought

philosophy, philosophy , science, science ,

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Connect Ps3 To Pc Adhoc

Everyone says that something is proven, some more ignorant say that something is "scientifically proven." But in reality no notion of what they want to express, sometimes I think they mean, "I say is true and I give my authority for truth value."
But in mathematics the idea of \u200b\u200bthe show is something that is in the very beginning of it. How can we show that something is false or true without any doubts? That problem is what the Greeks began raised. And for that first had to know how we reason. They did not know it, but realized that the argument had certain general laws and tried to machine them.
encode syllogisms Aristotle and Euclid encode geometry. And that's where the matter would be many centuries before someone made a breakthrough in the study of axiomatic reasoning.
(After the Greek humanity was apparently the victim of a virus that affected his brain and went crazy with religion, but of which we are not yet completely free, but since the fifteenth century a larger number people have been saved from infection.)
But the real revolution in this field began in the nineteenth century when other classes were discovered that were not Euclidean geometry.
(To understand your confusion, you must be at that time and wonder how there may be other kinds of points and lines in a unique reality?)
Logic For it was a heavy blow, since she does not reassemble itself from the many paradoxes of the concept of limit in calculus, they left several geometries with a body full axiomatic.
But what really blew it all were the work of Cantor about infinity and numbers after infinite, which led him to set theory based on logic (or rather the encoding of Boole and De Morgan ) other mathematicians continued to make progress together mixing theory with formal reasoning and numbers (such as Peano ) to know it's a show and what are the limits of the demonstrations.
But the whole theory was bringing its own share of paradoxes. The most famous is that of Russell , in which the sets. In which the non-joint (non-members) to itself.
It's like the set of all men is not a man. Luis whole, not me. (People are not sets)
But there are joint devour itself. As the set of all sets, which include yourself to end up creating paradoxes.
Then there are two kinds of sets, the currents that are not included. And they eat themselves, which are included in the set, the logical step was to unite these two types of sets. For example Q, is the set of all ordinary sets.

It is clear that Q is a paradox, and we ask the question "What kind of set is Q, the ordinary or that autodevoran?" We realize that it is neither (to make the test and will see it)
That led to many logicians and mathematicians have tried to make a mathematical free of paradoxes.
The greatest effort is made Russell and whitehead in his masterpiece "Principia mathematics " The idea was to make a style epimenes mathematics without paradoxes, which is something like "this sentence is false." And also the variants that have no apparent paradoxes. As this
A.-The statement that follows is false
b. "The above statement is true.
If we take each one of them isolated, there is no problem in fact commonly used until the problem begins with each one of them says to another, and that's the problem of self-reference.
Russell saw that it was the cause of all evil and so his attempt to make a free math them
The way to avoid formation of paradoxes in set theory and that of the numbers was quite elegant, but too artificial. It was the theory of types.
This is the simplest set consisted only of specific things that could not be subdivided into sets, the following could only be formed by simple sets, and continues that way. Clearly
seen thus avoiding sets as Q, since none can belong to himself and that is prohibited.
But Epimenides paradox style continued as
And when he began publishing his work a lanky young mathematician realized that there was something terribly wrong with all this and set out to prove it was Kurt Godel, as I have seen in several places referred to his discovery, but often not well explained. Or make it very lightly, so that only ends in a cartoon.
The incompleteness theorem is known by few people, despite their importance in almost all areas, it is extrapolated that shamelessly, I do it myself. But I will try to formally explain what are the limits you set.

philosophy, philosophy, science , science ,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How To Write A Letter Of Reconsideration

The space hotel scam

A English group is creating a project to build a hotel in space more or less about 450km above the surface. Lei
me the news and enthusiasm, as I like to go. But just lei website I realized it's a scam. And if it is very difficult.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthem, I guess ignorant and creating an image falsely idyllic feel to the space port on a Caribbean island, it seemed reasonable to me because it is closer to the Ecuador (and therefore NEED TO less energy to reach orbit) also had the advantage of warm beaches in the hotel of land in a Caribbean island.
And the method to reach the orbit is magnetic levitation and rockets. An electromagnetic rail track with a acceleration of the spacecraft to reach the speed of sound, and then turn on the rockets. That seemed great, the amount of energy is reduced greatly. But ... ..
And there's the paste, and so I say it's a scam . The least likely place to make a space port is the Caribbean, as is the way to several hurricanes a year, and either one can destroy the facility. Of course you may be landing elsewhere, and to land in the middle of a hurricane no is something easy
But let's assume that half have contingency to avoid the hurricane destroyed the space port. The magnetic levitation
, and more if they want to raise a ship of about 2 or 3 tons NEED TO much energy. But I'm talking serious power, perhaps enough electricity to light a town of about 12,000 people per shot or more, something reasonable would be about 20.000 people.
Where will that energy? Fuel a power plant would be large, expensive and under used most of the time. No talk of a nuclear reactor, would be madness and costs would skyrocket.
Where do you think make that electricity? That
do not say.
And I doubt that they can get.
But even in the unlikely event that succeeded, that method of magnetic levitation at sea level is inefficient, because the spacecraft will oppose a greater amount of atmosphere. That would increase the amount of energy needed, but also heat the craft much more.
A method of magnetic levitation to put into orbit satellites or ships would be more effective if done from a high place. Say
space 3600mts port is a high, the amount of atmosphere would be much lower, and also the air is much less opposed to the progress of the ship. South of Bogota
much closer to Ecuador and several stop to that height or higher, large enough to make a track more than 3 km long. Since there would be much less energy to operate the maglev and if they make a power plant for the rest of the time functions can sell that electricity to neighboring villages.
Here in Venezuela on the Butt paramo zones are large enough to make the space port, but in Bogota is more about Ecuador.
If I were in Africa in Kenya, Burundi and Congo have the same high mountains to ahcer port space of these features would be even better because it would give currency to these very poor countries.
also may be on the island of New Guinea has stopped and is quite exotic high place. But do not tell me what they do on a Caribbean island. That is false, and if enpeñan failed.
My hypothesis is more credible than a simple scam to grab the unwary, with money and little scientific training to realize the obvious kits that have this project.
The official website of the project "scam is http://www.galacticsuite.com/

science, science , aerospace, science ,