If you read the post called Play Ball know I once gave misogyny.
Well, I'll be honest, I try.
Maybe not too hard, or dedication, but I try.
As to me to rationalize my every breath I take, attempt to rationalize that fact.
Sex is necessary for evolution, almost all living beings use sex to reproduce. The exception is the virus, but if you ask me would say that they are sexual parasites. The problem is that nobody agrees whether viruses are alive or not.
Some beings use sex as some bacteria, and only have sex in extreme conditions. To put it graphically, it would be like a human couple only had sex while riding in a car at 120 km / h to release the steering wheel sex. More or less that makes the bacteria.
Amoebas deserve a post to themselves, there are species of amoebae, which are like crazy. And even put you in metaphysics. Whenever I write about them, since almost no one knows what they do.
But stop to think seriously about our role in nature.
But as the Bible says "what is too great, not pursued. What is beyond your strength, not investigate it "(notice that the guy was not scientific.)
When one begins to study living things seriously. One can not escape the conclusion that we live for sex. The main function of all living is to reproduce.
The problem is that complicated, some babies will absorb too much time.
In humans, some women are conflicting (and men too) but you have to live with a partner to feed and teach the young.
many or many individuals that annoy you, do not like, or consider it annoying, and if this would not have sex with anything. Anticipating this contingency
Nature created the perfect trap, the sexual pleasure.
If we start to think seriously about the pleasure plays no role in reproduction. In fact, the play can be performed in a laboratory and then implanting it egg. All this has nothing pleasant.
So the role of pleasure is to convince us that we reproduce. And it works, of course it works. So many species, masturbate, not for reproduction if not the simple pleasure.
I remember the early 70's had implanted electrodes into the brains of mice. Every time I stepped on a lever, a tiny electrical current is produced in the brain where we process feelings of pleasure.
Turns out everyone. All mice died. Since
stopped eating and drinking water. Only they played the lever, even though they know it would lead to death.
pleasure is definitely the last trap.
We can rationalize our existence and our consciousness, but they definitely were born to search pleasure.
we speak of aesthetic pleasure, musical pleasure, the intellectual pleasure of a game of chess. But ultimately, all these pleasures are only the preamble to the final pleasure, sexual. And this leads directly to reproduction.
And while that is operating (playing) pleasure can become an end in itself.
And that's what rationalized that I was self-sufficient and not have to be the robot of a protein and could do without this trap. That
vao, I was smarter than a piece of DNA.
I have self-determination. So I can oppose my basic programming. No need to fall into the trap of pleasure. This is thought
seriously. And perhaps I believed completito.
That only proves that reason, not only produces monsters, as Goya said. It also produces stupidity.
And the best quality.
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