crucial week for marketing and trade promotion film Roland Joffé " find Dragons" that, as you know, Premieres this Spain Friday, March 25. Internet (six million hits in English and English at Google ) is interesting for weeks a hotbed of news, developments , opinions, reviews, interviews and curiosities of this ambitious film is co-protagonist of the story of the founder of Opus Dei , San José María Escrivá de Balaguer . Some last minute notes a fly pen:
1) I was struck by the blog that opened a few hours ago Father John Wauck with the suggestive title of " A priest of dragons . This priest was cash Joffe hired as priestly and historical advisor during the four months of shooting the movie in Argentina and Spain. The first post of blog is a tribute to another priest, the Jesuit Daniel Berrigan, who 25 years ago played the same role with Joffé in Mission.
2) I thought also interesting to hear some piece of Banda Sonora Original (BSO ) who created the British composer Stephen Warbeck for the occasion with a line that is even reminiscent of Mission.
3) Release Before have already seen the film over a thousand " and social leaders opinion" that have spoken, written, discussed and organized premieres in theaters throughout Spain the American style with a major success presale and innovative marketing and sales strategy .
4) probably the best and deepest interview they have done so far to the film's director, Roland Joffe , find it in the magazine Our time. " Talk about all of Sorry and the ability of humans to forgive " At the same time where I started working on There Be Dragons saw two interviews on CNN that struck me . He was also in the space of a week. One of the interviews was a Rwandan Hutu woman who was having tea with a man she introduced herself as a member of a Tutsi who had murdered his family. The interviewer, surprised, asked: "Why take tea with him?, Have you forgiven?". "Yes," answered she, "I have forgiven." And then explained that the man was going every week to have tea with her. "What do you live in my forgiveness," he added. After hearing it, you realize that this was the way she had to deal with their grief. And that's just how the man had to deal with their pain. Human suffering on both left something creative. In that great act of the will had a purpose. Suffering has a purpose. When I heard the interview, I thought maybe so strange that this woman was dignifying their own lives to forgive the Hutu man. I was touched by its simplicity, was a peasant, "but also the power he had. It was a real power .
5) not stop to learn more true craftsman and alma mater of this movie. producer Ignacio Gómez Sancha , former vice president of the bag Madrid and temporary, who embarks on such an adventure for pure passion and get nearly $ 30 million . He says thus this another interview in the magazine "Word :" I have to say I got into this project, together with my partner and producer, Ignacio Núñez, out of sheer passion. At the same time we were and are convinced of its commercial potential. The idea of \u200b\u200ban agnostic (socialist and married three times, more precise) two-time Oscar nominee and winner of the Palme d'Or at Cannes, writing a script on the subject of reconciliation in which a protagonist was Escrivá ..., well, the narrative structure of parallel lives, like the Mission, which was a of my favorite movies, I found incredible .
6) Probably this film like many and, as highlighted Alberto Fixed Row Seven , none leave indifferent " Joffe and his team, because film is a team effort, for better and for worse, have made a great film, moving and passionate, designed for a wide audience. A nuanced history, without prejudice, told by an Englishman of 66 years, Jewish, leftist and agnostic, it gives you something you do not expect. Especially if you're English, just as prone as we are to whites and Blacks, the "this is what you get because I say so and I do not come with movies ."
If I want to look this weekend, will be in a movie theater. At the risk of meet there with my own dragons .
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