With the beatification of Pope John Paul II , which will be held on May 1 was launched on Facebook a page dedicated to him. Are inserted in all music present in a Youtube page also dedicated to Pope Wojtyla . Audiovisual traverse the pontificate year after year, with the voice of the future blessed and in several languages. The audio have been provided and selected language programs in Vatican Radio, on which the Vatican Television Center (CTV ) has made a montage of video . This has been explained spokesman Holy See Father Federico Lombardi " We know how many people are excited while on the beatification of John Paul II. We have therefore sought a way more, than those already available to allow all interested parties get in touch with her figure also through images and words that were very dear in his lengthy pontificate. The new website is one more way by which John Paul II continues to speak to young people. I think in memory of young people has been very much alive, and it has not disappeared, we believe in their presence effective spiritual, his living presence. Social networks provide the Holy Father's message in recent years, inviting you to a positive use of these new technologies . " As underlined by Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for World Day last Communications , new technologies are " unprecedented opportunities to establish relationships and build fellowship. We attempt to issue a wave of positivity, friendship, spiritual values \u200b\u200bthrough the open roads for social networks. And what more beautiful and more powerful than the image and the voice of a Pope has been so loved by all mankind? . "
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